Fire Spray Coating

Cafco is the market leader for steel and concrete protection and trusted by applicators worldwide. Promat’s range of fire protection steel coating products ensure protection against fire to a buildings structure and services such as kitchen exhaust, ventilation duct work and air plenums. We also specify and supply Promat intumescent coatings for structural steel. Promat has a range of Fire Spray Coating products available namely: CAFCO®300 CAFCO®SPRAYFILM PROMASPRAY®P300 CAFCO®FENDOLITE
Our Services
Technical Support
CSP Architectural can provide a
team of experts with the right skills and experience to deliver complete design solutions for all kinds of projects.
Cutting & Fabrication Services
We provide a full in-house CAD, cut, roll and route service for the processing of aluminium panels including composite and solid aluminium. We can cut all kinds of cement sheets to any shape and size you require!
Estimation Services
CSP Architectural offers a comprehensive take-off service for all cement sheet applications.